Miss Megan is a SENIOR!

My first year at UofA, my sister and brother-in-law (both ASU alums) had a sweet baby girl named Megan. My first gift to her were the cutest pair of UofA booties there ever was. Sadly, I'm fairly certain they never made it on her toes... Now, Meg is a senior in High school. She is applying to colleges on the East Coast (much to my dismay- I want her to move closer to me!) and getting ready to start a new journey in life. On her last trip to AZ, I was allowed to take senior portraits. This sweet little girl from my college days, is all grown up, and is truly quite an amazing woman. I am so proud to have her for a niece!

 Yes, it's AZ, but hat water is still COLD in December! What a trooper! I hope she didn't catch a cold from that....

 I told Meg that the railroad is symbolic for the road in life that she's about to travel. She was kind enough to turn away from me before rolling her eyes and thinking, "cheesey!"

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